Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Post Nº3: A country i would like to visit.


In this post i want to write about a country  i would to visit, Italia.
First, because is a place very important to the Universal History, is the cradle of the Occidental civilization. And this country, and specifically this culture has left a legacy in art, painting, sculpture, and many cathedrals with many details and beautiful construction, becoming in piece of art.

The other reason is for the beautiful landscape, i would like go to Venezia, and ride in a gondola. 

Also, i would like visit Italy for the food and his wine, i love eat italian food, i would like visit the Toscana and taste the food and wine of this place.                                                                                                                   
If a have the opportunity i travel for Italy and Europe, working to make money to go on travel.

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