Thursday, December 3, 2015

Last Post: A photograph i like.

I don't remember who take us this photo. In this photo we were in grandmother house, it was 10 years ago. 
In this photo be my big brother and my cousin, we were rode a toy motorclycle around the house. 
I like this photo, because we look happy and very friendly, besides i like this photo too, because in their appear two people very important to me. ( in this photo not appear my little brother, he is other special person in my life).
we always stayed together, we laugh, play, we share everything, becaue we lived in the same house for at least 6 years together. Today we don't live together, but the memories and happy times can't be deleted. 

Continous assement: Activity 1: Natinal Geographic Website 

In this image the meerkat take sun. I choose this image, because i like meerkat, i think this animal are very clever and funny, besides they are very agile and share in community. Fortunately the meerkat is not in danger of extinction, i hope this lovely animals never extinct.

The ocean still is a mystery, the ocean is like other world to discover. All in the ocean is beautiful, for me, i would like swim underwater and deligth with the wonder of ocean.

The birds are so amazing, their movements are delicate and precise, their colors are extremely beautiful. The birds are monogamous and share the parental care, the father and mather teach to little bird fly.

This video show how hummingbird feed and fly at the same time, with a wingbeat very fast. I like so much the hummingbird, all is he is perfect, his colors are beautiful and amazing, his movement are fast without matter his tiny size.

This video show how leopard run in slow motion, it is just amazing.We can appreciate with many details his movements. The leopard in the most fast runner of the planet,besides is a good hunter too. They have a beautiful skin, 

Post 5: My life's main events

I was born 
in 20th of August
in Santigo,Chile.

         My little dog,
             name Cindy comes 
             to my life.


      I adopte my first cat, 
    name Amy, in honor to
    Amy Winehouse.



   I went for first time 
   to Valparaíso,
   i love it, i wish live
   there in the future


  I finish high school
in Colegio San Agustín. 

I enter to study Agronomy, 
in Universidad Católica,
but i leave, because i realize
that i want study Veterinary Medicine.


  In the summer i went to
      Puerto Varas, to holidays,
      with my brothers, it was 
 the best summer


      In March, i started study 
      Veterinary Medicine 

Post 2: My opinions 

  • What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I agree in all cases, because i think just the women can decide about her body and life, the abortion is not a easy decision and in some cases the surrounding of the women can judge them for the decision, doing more difficult the process. In Chile it is discussed about decriminalize abortion in three cases, i think this cases must be a woman rigth, and the abort is a personal decision, in which nobody can opine, is not matters of religions, or other women and men.


  • What is your opinion about smart phones?
I think is good, because it can keep in contact, we can search a lot of infomation, listen music, watch videos, read news about all word, and many more, but as all in life the excess are bad, and in this days many many people are completly addicted to his phones, many of this people are obsess with social networks, this people live more in virtual life than real life.

  • What is your opinion about climate change?
I think is a terrible situation, the human in his short existence in this planet has done much damage indiscrimately, guide by economic purpose many times. I think this situation can and must improve and us generation and the news generation must be change, little action can do the difference.

  • What is your opinion about legalizing of marijuana?
I think marijuana must be legalize, for medicinal uses and recreation uses, consume marijuana is a personal decision, in which many sectors of Chile give opinions without have rigth to meddle in decision of people. I think legalize marijuana can be end with narcotrafic because will be legal, besides many legal drugs are much dangerous for the health , the cigarette and alcohol for example.