Thursday, December 3, 2015

Continous assement: Activity 1: Natinal Geographic Website 

In this image the meerkat take sun. I choose this image, because i like meerkat, i think this animal are very clever and funny, besides they are very agile and share in community. Fortunately the meerkat is not in danger of extinction, i hope this lovely animals never extinct.

The ocean still is a mystery, the ocean is like other world to discover. All in the ocean is beautiful, for me, i would like swim underwater and deligth with the wonder of ocean.

The birds are so amazing, their movements are delicate and precise, their colors are extremely beautiful. The birds are monogamous and share the parental care, the father and mather teach to little bird fly.

This video show how hummingbird feed and fly at the same time, with a wingbeat very fast. I like so much the hummingbird, all is he is perfect, his colors are beautiful and amazing, his movement are fast without matter his tiny size.

This video show how leopard run in slow motion, it is just amazing.We can appreciate with many details his movements. The leopard in the most fast runner of the planet,besides is a good hunter too. They have a beautiful skin, 

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